Wednesday 24 June 2015

Baby Fat is Cute... On Babies *eyeroll*

For those who can't see the sign clearly, its an advertisement for a local Townsville gym, and the slogan of choice is "Baby Fat is Cute... On Babies"...
Now I'm not going to lie. This sign made me mad. Like real mad. This sign pissed me off. It must have been obvious because my husband looked over at me taking the photo and said "you aren't going to put that up on Facebook or something are you?"... Oh no... I'm going to go one better and write about it.

Firstly, who thinks up this shit?! Who is sitting in their little office in their size 10 big boy shorts and thinks to themselves "Ooh! That's what I will do today! I will try to not only degrade but embarrass the mothers who travel down XY road.. because that is sure to generate business!" I very much doubt that any women walked into Genesis Fitness (because that's right people I am naming your business here just in case people couldn't read it on the giant billboard!) and said "Hi, I'm Cathy; an overtired, overworked mother and can I just say I really thought it was HILARIOUS the way you submissively called me fat through your billboard. Sign me up!"

All sarcasm aside... (I know, but roll with me anyway)... Why did they do this? Do they really think there are mothers out there that think that the extra weight they gained during their pregnancy makes them more attractive. News Flash Genesis!! We know we gained weight! We know!! We might not be happy about it, but we are definitely not oblivious to the fact that some of our clothes no longer fit us the way they used to. There is NO need to point it out in such a nasty 17-year-old-teenage-girl-that-peaked-at-highschool kind of way. Embarrassing us isn't going to get us into the gym any faster, and it certainly isn't going to get us to YOUR gym any faster.

How about a positive sign? How about something that motivates us? How about a sign that acknowledges that we have gone through a massive, huge, very big deal life change recently which shows just how amazing and durable women can be? Something like "You just gave birth... You FUCKING ROCK! Wanna come work out with us?" (OK, clearly my advertising skills aren't up to speed.. but let's be honest, they are still a whole lot better than the nasty shit up above!)

I'm not going to pretend there aren't overweight mums out there. I'm not even going to pretend that there aren't people out there who sometimes need a good kick up their arse to get them moving... but a new mum is never one of those people. Never.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

An update on the past month...

Ok... I admit it. I didn't finish the 2nd 30 day Challenge (The "Ab" one). Between missing a few days so trying to catch up, and then starting CrossFit, I have been pretty freaking sore and not wanting to add to that with a whole bunch of situps etc. I am not beating myself up too much though, as instead of doing these challenge days, I have just been trying to eat a little better (most days), attend a few CrossFit classes each week, and then the occasional work out at home, be that working on a skill, or going for a walk with the husband and our boys.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

5 Reasons why I am a "Bad Mum"

I get that it's normal for all mums to feel like they are doing a terrible job. Most of the time I am pretty confident that my boys aren't going to grow up to be serial killers... but then I think "Ivan Milat's mum probably had some good days as well"... Anyway... I realise that there are little things that every mum does that people aren't going to agree with... It just so happens that I have done *pretty-much* all of them...

Monday 15 December 2014

30 Day Challenge

So this is happening...

Shorts, Shorts and More Shorts

When I first found out that I was expecting a boy, it was hard to get really excited. All of my life I had only imagined having a daughter first, probably because I was the oldest in my family. It took a few hours to pump myself up, but I was sure that once I hit the shops I would see all of the cute boy clothes and become excited... Then I went shopping.